Cooking regular rice with a blend of zakkoku can boost its taste and nutritional value substantially, which can help you feel great and stay healthy every day.
ブレンドした雑穀をお米に加えて炊くとおいしさも栄養価もぐーんとアップして元気が出て、ますます健康的な毎日が過ごせます。 Read the rest of this entry »
An easy way to enjoy organic mayonnaise is to make it yourself. Adjust the flavors to create your original style of mayonnaise!
手作りならばオーガニックのマヨネーズが手軽にできますね。お好みで調味料の量を調整してオリジナルマヨネーズをお楽しみください! Read the rest of this entry »