Soba Konnyaku Cold Noodle / そばこんにゃく冷麺

Ingredients (Serves 2)
– 1 pack Nijiya Soba Konnyaku
– 1 🥒Cucumber (3.5 oz)
– 2 inch Daikon
– 1 pack Nijiya Kimchi
– 1 tsp Salt
– 1/4 🍅Tomato
– 1 pack Nijiya Chashu (roasted pork)
– 2 tsp Nijiya Sesame seads

– 50 ml Nijiya Mentsuyu (a little less than 1/4 cup)
– 2 Tbsp Nijiya Yakiniku sauce
– 150 ml Water
– 1 Tbsp vinegar

↓ For the Directions & 日本語レシピ

1. Combine all soup ingredients and refrigerate while doing next steps
2. Rinse the noodle and drain well
3. Cut cucumber and daikon thin strips. Chop kimchi and mix all with salt
4. Slice tomato
5. Place noodle on a plate or bowl and pour the soup, then arrange all ingredients on top. Sprinkle sesame seeds as the final touch!