An easy to cook curry dish that will fill you up made with Nijiya’s homemade curry sauce. Heat the pack in boiling water for 5 minutes before eating.
If you’ve just caught a cold, niratama-gayu is good for you. It will gently provide the energy your body needs to fight off that cold.
風邪のひき始めにはまずこれ!風邪と戦うエネルギーをやさしく体に補給できます。 Read the rest of this entry »
Cooking regular rice with a blend of zakkoku can boost its taste and nutritional value substantially, which can help you feel great and stay healthy every day.
ブレンドした雑穀をお米に加えて炊くとおいしさも栄養価もぐーんとアップして元気が出て、ますます健康的な毎日が過ごせます。 Read the rest of this entry »